Monday, January 31, 2011

This crosswalk's made of quicksand

Some people try and say money's only the root of all evil if you let it be, but I would disagree with that.  I believe we are all drawn into the evilness whether we wish to be or not. There are many choices in life of how you can choose to live, but when it comes to money and the system that circulates it, there's only one choice.  That being said, I believe there are endless choices to any given situation no matter how bleak your options look.  So sure, we could be cavemen, or Indians, or maybe Amish, but as far as having immediate diverse options involving our life and how it can be maintained, we're left with but one option...that dolla dolla bill. 

It's as though it's ridiculous to think there could be more efficient ways to balance a work life, a social life, and a home life without automatically wasting two-thirds of each day with sleep and a job, both which might feel like the same thing.  Certainly it could be worked out to have the norm be a twenty hour work week opposed to a forty hour work week.  People don't work anyways, they just pass time.  Obviously every job is situational and some more strenuous than others, and also some obviously more important to human life than others, but all I'm sayin' is everyone deserves to be able to do things their own way, especially since life's so precious, and a one-serving gig.  Everything can be simplified, it just has to be reexamined first.  And after it's been reexamined, someone has to be in the room willing to make changes.  Otherwise, people will continue to talk themselves out of being happier, and they'll just become content.  They will then pass that on to their children who will in turn pass it to their children and so on. Where does it stop?  How many people have to drown in a crosswalk before the people behind start goin' around?  How long before there's a new path to tread?

Even the people who stray from the beaten path are still straying from that same ol' sick path.  How about straying from a path that's fresh and doesn't suck so much.  How about waking up and taking back your ability to dream like when you were a kid.  How about believing in yourself so that when you feel scared because you don't know what to do, deep down you know it'll be okay, because you know you can handle anything and you understand that you and only you is who controls how you live your life.  Just because the sign says walk, doesn't mean you won't get hit by a truck.  So what do you want out of this life?  A chance or a choice?  I think we deserve both.


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