Friday, January 7, 2011

Look Left, Look Right, And Then Look Left Again

Change can happen within the blink of an eye, everyone knows that, and there is never a time when change can't happen.  It's a magical variable that can be automatically inserted into any equation, regardless of who or what might be in place to try and stop it.  Objects, both animate and not, are often put in place to gain complete control of a given situation.  But one can never really be in complete control of a situation.  It's the same reason when crossing the road you're told to look left, look right, and then look again. In the time it takes to turn your head from left to right, which I would assume might take take about three fourths of a second, the road which was just confirmed clear to cross by your very own eyes, may now indeed be underneath a half ton fed ex truck.  And if you don't look left again to see it,'ll surely be on your back with crushed legs, only to finally look up and see an arrow float past your eyes. 

Re-examination  is a good practice just because humans aren't perfect.  Humans program computers therefore even computers aren't perfect.  Now I don't think the saying says to look left again because maybe you didn't see the the big body crushing truck even though it was really there, it's just because change happens that quick.  But what if the truck really was there, but it looked like something else.  What if it looked like something soft, like something slow, something that couldn't hurt you.  It could still inflict all the same damage but because it looked so unimposing everyone would just step in it's way, and that would cause a lot of unnecessary destruction.  It's the same reason in prison you have to never appear weak.  You don't want to invoke any challenge, even if the challenger can't come close to defeating you, it's the time it takes to tussle with the challenger that is important, because it's lost.  Now what if it was you driving the truck, and the person crossing the road was in disguise.  If you saw a brick wall disguised as an opening would you drive right through, or would you stop to make sure it's really the right path?  Because stopping and checking takes time, and we all know how important time is, it's probably the only other thing as consistent as change, as far as earthly speaking that is.  But what if you  re-examine every angle, see what's in front of you and analyze it's affect on you, and then still end up being proven wrong on everything you know.  Would you continue to look left, look right, and look left again, or would you just start looking ahead not paying any mind to what's around you?  Or maybe you'd just put your head down, and not look at anything at all...

Peoples' moods change just as quick as their minds do because they're both connected.  How you feel affects how you think, and that goes for the opposite as well, how you think affects how you feel.  But at some point, there has to be a decision made which is inspired by your heart but made in your mind in which you choose to go forward making your own path.  The other alternative is the decision made in your head that you can't do anything, and then let that feeling trickle down to your heart so it can know to just turn off.  If you give up when you can't handle the fact that you have no control, that's when you give up the right to ever control anything again.  It's when feeling like you still can control though, even when you really can't, that you just might gain control.  You may even be able to control something, which realistically thinking, shouldn't be able to be controlled.  But that's a two sided coin to the fullest.  So look left, look right, and then look left again.  And if you don't like what you see, then change it. 


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