Tuesday, January 18, 2011

You Don't Mind, Do You?

Media, media, media, media, media, media, media, media, media, media, media, media, media Media, MEdia, MEDia, MEDIa, MEDIA!!!!!!!!!!

Today as I walked down the aisles of  "America's Store" amongst the many choices that I faced... or thought I faced for that matter... it became apparent to me that we are not even satisified with the media that we have in our homes.  It's got to be everywhere.  The television was calmly telling me that I should buy this product.  Then that product.  Then the same one again in the next aisle.  "You don't mind, do you?"  I thought to myself. 

Nothing works better!!!
I got in my car and drove to the local gas station.  Noting the prices like all concerned citizens.  I pulled the nozzle out of the pump and figured out how to use this modern marvel of a gas pump.  I start pumping my gas all super cool like when out of this fucking machine spits some more info on rewards cards and some other bullshit.  "You don't mind, do you?" again I thought to myself.

I'm hungry now like all depressed citizens.  So I drive over to the local eatery.  The Taco Bell.  How fucking lucky I am to eat this generic version of food.  But fuck you... It cost to eat good and we are all poor.  Now I order my favorite pile of shit...  The #7 with no quesadilla sauce... and an extra fucking taco that I don't even need.  Of course.  Now I pay my lil 7 bones or whatever it cost these days and this little kid hands me my receipt and says "If you go to our website you can register to win $1000 by taking our survey."  Again I think.  "You don't mind, do you?" 

Bringing me to my point.  I DO MIND. 

John Roberts

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