Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Mad Rantings of a High School Dropout

"If you don't have anthing nice to say then say nothing at all." This is what I have practiced for a long long time... and yet still I 'm the most out spoken person on my personal beliefs out of most people I know. I want you to understand that my beliefs are my own. In no way do I intend to push them on you... But with that in mind I do have a bias towards myself... Just like you have one towards your own views. It's natural. There's ego in it. There's fear of being wrong involved. It's what our parents told us not to do. It's what our government still actively tries to discourage. THINKING is natural!!!! DO NOT underestimate your own intelligence. I believe people are smart by nature.

Have faith in your GOD!!!! By all means do what ever you feel like when it comes to you and your connection with your soul or just your inner self or whatever religion you subscribe too. But to have blind faith in a MAN or a Political Party without truly understanding their motives and priorities is pure and absolute ignorance.

Did your parents not alert you to your duties as a Patriot? Being a Patriot and questioning the role of government is not a law people. It's a PRINCIPLE. "We the people" are responsible for checks and balances.

I know. That's a big responsibility isn't it? It's almost like protecting yourself. It's often easier to divert yourself from truth. And honestly it works very well for the government to just allow this to happen... Also, it's convienient that while you sit there and watch the rock box you offer their sales people a great chance to sway your views and the way you think by their well thought out marketing campaigns. If you think you are immune... you are ignorant.

In closing, I guess I'm just ranting. I want to talk to my friends... but they are busy. Be open minded, don't judge, listen, be passionate in what you do, and be fearless. Mistakes are natural we all make them... It's how we learn. But we must LEARN from them. We must forgive the people that make them and help them to understand reality and the world around us. I can't change any of you. To be honest, I can barely change myself. But at least I'm not afraid to SELF REFLECT and find the error in my ways so I have a basis for positive change. I hope you do the same.

John Roberts

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