I'm talking about an intellectual debate in a world of non intelligence. It's time to put your personal beliefs aside and look at the world as a whole. It's time to understand that you don't know anything other than what you were taught. Understand that what you were taught can be and possibly is fatally flawed. This is a hard realization on most people. I mean most people know exactly what they believe all the way down to their opinions about how life on this planet started. But let me ask.... How many people formed their own idea on the world? How many people just take the people they trust at their word? How many people ever question anything at all? How many teachers teach what they BELIEVE instead of what is true? How many lesson plans are not that of the teacher, but that of an established indoctrination of ideas? How many of you ever even question what the public education system is teaching your children? You do realize that they are YOUR children right?
The next point I want to make is this. I am this country. You are this country. WE are. And the things that are happening in this world is a direct result of our apathy and low education. We have lost our willingness to say NO to bad ideas. Out of fear that somehow we don't count... Or that we'll be looked down upon. Well I'm sick of this. I'm a 30 year old man. I'm the future. You are the future. And look at us. Walking around fighting over every body's differences instead of focusing on the common. Are you for abortion or against it? WTF does that have to do with anything? What do you think about gun control? WTF does that have to do with anything? What do you think about violence in video games? WTF does that have to do with anything? Are you opposed to GAY marriage? WTF does that have to do with anything? Republican or Democrat? WTF!!!!!!
Quit talking about surface issues you assholes. I am for FREEDOM!!! And that my friends is the only thing that matters. WE decided long ago in the good old United States that we as HUMANS have rights. WE are free to express ourselves in any manner we choose. WE are free to choose the direction of our lives no matter what direction that takes us. WE are however not free to impose the will of the few on the many through government regulations. Don't you see... WE are protected from OUR government from persecution from any entity. ANY, even them. The more rights that we allow to be taken from ourselves the deeper the hole gets.
So here's the answer to all the questions in it's simplest form... you ready for this? Abortion? We are free to choose. Religion? We are free to choose. Gun Control? FREEDOM. Gay Marriage? FREEDOM of CONTRACT. Republican or Democrat? Whoever promotes FREEDOM the best!!! Video Games? FREEDOM. Violent movies or music? Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Press. New improved CENSORSHIP of the Internet? FREEDOM of Speech and Press.
So what I am telling you is that it's already been thought up. The answer to all your silly surface debates is already there. Now if you respect your own FREEDOM then you should respect the FREEDOM of ALL men. If you don't respect your own FREEDOM. You are already a slave sailing aboard a sinking ship. So I ask you, my friends, my family, my fellow country men and women, what do you think about FREEDOM?
Do you value it? Or do you wonder WTF it has to do with anything?
My name is John Roberts. I started a group called Epidimic when I was 18 yrs. old. I go by the name Droopy Jeezus, but you can call me John Quest. I will be recording some new music in the upcoming weeks. It will be released immediately upon it's finalization.
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