Friday, March 11, 2011

Taught to FEAR!!!!

It's so easy to be scared of the world these days.  Nothing much good happens to anybody it seems.  A few trivial things here or there.  I watch from my home.  I watch as society around me seems to break down.  It doesn't even seem real. 

Racism is back in....  Really?  You got to be kidding me.  Gay people are evil....  Really?  You got to be kidding me.  Religious differences fuel wars as sure as you pump your gas to fuel your car.  Abortion is a good topic too... let's talk about that.  Just kidding...  I don't care.  I'm not a woman and I'll never be pregnant.  Unemployment in our country is at dangerous levels.  Inflation is moving in at an alarming rate.  Our money is redistributed to the rich and to the poor...  The poor who wouldn't be poor if they just had the jobs they used to have.  You know... Back when you could actually start a job for a living wage. 
Our civil liberties are being attacked daily.  Our rights to be individual and speak are controlled by fear.  You all know that your high school was a government training facility right?  To teach you how to be a good American.  Oh how important was all that memorization now?  Really.  You know you just send your kids to 7 different foster parents for 8 hours a day.  Then when they get home they have to keep memorizing nonsense for "homework".  You don't even care if someone randomly drug screens your child. 

There's no outrage.  There's not even hardly a person I know that contests this system... Because schools are so great for their kids.  All this information is there.  It's all easy to prove.  The thing is... you don't even have to take my word for it.  Who am I?  Just some kid that wanted to make some rap songs and be left alone.  Just another one of your so called "failures".  Just a high school drop out.  Oh... that's a horrible thing isn't it?  Why?  Because some fat rich man said that it is. 

IT IS INDOCTRINATION.  IT IS WRONG.  But like I said... don't take my word for it.  How about John Gatto from New York?  Seems like a pretty smart guy to me... with his numerous awards and his teaching records.  Check him out.  I don't need to argue with you.  You need to look into the issues. 

This stuff is important and it's like people don't have the time to wrap their heads around it.  Truth is scary people.  I heard somewhere recently that "To understand the truth is to watch hell unfold in front of your eyes."  Do not let fear control you.  Do not act like an animal.  You are real.  You do matter.  Be heard, or be herded.

Who are the people that create our circumstance?  You are.  Because you allow it.  When you begin to understand that not one man is more valuable then you.  You will know that these people that lead us on this path are just men.  They talk in secret, they hide, they keep you separated on surface debate like race, sex, religion.  They start calling names and labeling you this and that.  You yourself start labeling you.  "I'm a Democrat cuz my daddy is."  "He's a Liberal."  "Muslims hate and kill everything."  If You catch yourself talking like that then you should correct it quick.  It's a surface issue by design.  YOU ARE NOT THE T.V.!!!!!!!!  You are you.  YOU ARE NOT YOUR DADDY.  You are you.  Be strong.  Keep your individualism.  Keep your voice. 

Evil is started long before you start using it.  Soon they will call me a terrorist.  They will call your religion a cult.  Soon you will be attacked by talking heads.  Soon... HA!  It's already happening.  Educate your friends and family.  Let them know what has happened to us. 

I will walk and talk fearless of consequence.  Because I AM FREE.  Anybody claiming I'm not will have a debate on there hands. 

Spread your word,

John Quest

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