Sunday, March 20, 2011

Our Divided Individual Existance

What version of yourself are you in love with?  It's our Divided Individual Existence.  Everyone is divided up into so many pieces that the big picture gets lost.  We analyze small fractions of an equation, forgetting that the main emphasis should be on the equation itself, not just the fractions.  It's similar to the principle of seeing what we have in common rather than what we disagree on, except this deals in relation to yourself, and not your relation to others.  We're all constantly pelted with topics that are designed to put your thoughts in concrete without even knowing why.  You start feeling like you have to base your individual opinions on something to what someone else is telling you, not knowing that with every microscopic change of yourself you alter the bigger picture, which is yourself as a whole.  If the millions of individual pieces of you as a person are all prefabricated from another man's mind, then how can you call yourself an individual?  You may agree with the millions of people but you disagree with yourself.  It's as if our thoughts are represented by a human body, and the world's issues are represented by climate.  The information we get then formulates our thoughts into beliefs, these beliefs are represented by clothing.  On any given day we get presented with an issue and are forced to make a decision on it.  The issue may not directly relate to us at this time, but we're forced to form an opinion on it.  So the actual climate where you're standing at is warm, but you got these people in the newspaper and on TV telling you to equip yourself properly for the issue, which again is represented by different climates.  So you put some gloves on your human body to represent being "knowledgeable" on the issue.  Right after that you get told about another issue and are forced to apply it yourself. You put rain boots (beliefs) on your human body (thoughts) to protect from the rain (issue).  Well this goes on endlessly.  You have gloves on to protect form the cold (issue) and boots on to protect from the rain (issue), and still it's warm and dry where you're at.  This continues on and on and until we end up looking like a closet exploded on us.  So instead of just putting on the gloves when it's cold or the boots when it's wet, and then taking them off when they aren't necessary anymore, we wear everything we have to protect against whatever there is, instead of just keeping everything situational.  We do that because we are told to do that.  Subconsciously and flat our as well.  To many tiny puzzle pieces altered to where the big picture is ruined.  Don't let 'em influence your picture.  You can see just fine, you just have to look.  Look outward and look within.  Define Individual Existence, don't let somebody else do it for you. 


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