Sunday, March 20, 2011

I Am One Man; So Are You

So I'm sitting here in absolute dismay.  I CANT BELIEVE WE ARE IN ANOTHER WAR!!!!  I don't even understand what is wrong with our people.  It's simple... it's easy... it's blatant.

You have certain freedoms.  Those freedoms have been laid out for you by our Constitution.  The Constitution was written to protect YOU the reader from tyranny.  I'm no expert mind you, but I do have one thing called common sense.... Maybe it should be called "uncommon sense" these days.  

Now in that evidently fictitious document there are guidelines on how our government operates with checks and balances.  There are also lists of rights that were given to you by your Creator.  Creator being keyword...  Much different then rights as privileges bestowed amongst you by your government.  See that's what most people think... That the government provides you with God given rights.  Nope... God does. 

What can little old me do about it?  Well here's the truth.  Nothing.  I would say write your congressman... But sadly most take such a Centralized stance on everything... well that's probably not a great option.  With Our presidents refusal to even consider that he needs Congressional Approval for ANY act of WAR.  Well, what goods the Congress to you?

Who do we have to hold accountable for the loss of life in the name of the prevention of the loss of life?  A U.N. Resolution.  That's who.  Who are they to you?  Oh... Nobody.  Answer for accountability questions.... NOBODY.   

Meanwhile, we just fire missles at about 1 million clams a piece at these people.  What do I do?  Watch T.V.  Yep.  That's what I'll do... I'm going to get the BIGGEST MOST GIANTEST TELEVISION IN THE WORLD.  Because that's how I measure success.  On that T.V. some screaming fanatic is going to give me talking points for tomorrows Water Cooler conversation.  Oh yeah!!!  I'm going to keep using the same old played out rhetorical arguments I've always used.  Cause I started watching Rush Limbaugh back when he had a T.V. show on FOX when I was 13.  He's so informed.  After I'm done "researching" my opinion I'm gonna watch 1000 Ways to Die.  Then American Idol.  Then The Bachelor. 

Hell, I ain't even going to teach my kid anything.  That's what the public schools are for right?  Shit... I'll have fuckin Nickelodeon do all the leg work.  I mean Hanna Montana will make sure my kid turns out.  What!? is going on people? 

They're killing our economy with this devastation.  But don't worry... We will all be able to tell our children what successful men and women we were.  I can hear it now.  "I wanna work at Wal-Mart just like my Mother."  How about college debt being owned by the government?  I can't wait to get my financed education with a meaningless degree because I just can't wait to owe the government money.... And not find a job to boot. 

You know... I'm not even worried.  You know why?  Because I believe in people.  I believe that they are smart by nature.  I believe that when I was small and my wonderful mother told me... "Too much T.V. will rot your brain."   She was right.  I believe that's what has happened.  I believe that people are taught and conditioned to trust authority officials.  I believe that WE are all at fault for OUR circumstance.  I believe that WE are responsible for what OUR kids think philosophically and otherwise.  I believe WE want OUR government to take care of us and be responsible for our responsibility.  To be OUR new Gods.  To dictate to YOU what is right and wrong.  To be the MORAL AUTHORITY. 

If you are scared to speak in a FREE society because you might be labeled CRAZY or a TERRORIST.  Or Liberal or Anarchist.  Or FRINGE.  Or RIGHT WINGER.  Statist.  Or whatever the "word" for today is.  Then YOU my friend have been terrorized.  They will be labeling whatever you believe soon enough.  Just the other day my Dear Grandma made mention to somebody else that I was "radical"....  My response was this "It's not her talking.  It's the T.V."  And it's as simple as that.  A great man said "When you resort to calling names you've lost the intellectual debate."

Do you think that there are think tanks for a reason?  Do you think that money hasn't bought and sold everything you thought was real?  Do you think that these MEN that make these decisions aren't just as flawed as the next MAN?   They are men.  As you are.  As I am.  There are certain truths that we hold self evident...   THAT ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL. 

What can you do?  Change your mind.  This is real.  I only say anything because I'm concerned.  If they are immune from your well informed judgement.  Then they are immune to consequence.  Use your voice.  Educate your friends.  Try and figure out why so many we know are in turmoil in one form or another.  I would never advocate violence.  This revolution will be of our mind.  This revolution will be from intelligent debate.  This revolution will be from a peoples voice.  A well informed peoples voice.  A revolution of empathy and understanding.  If you aren't part of the solution... You are part of the problem.  I've spent my living days as a part of that problem.  I want to be a part of the solution.  I am poor and have very little influence but I have a voice. 

What was great yesterday could be frowned upon today.  A Patriot today will be redefined tomorrow.  Make no mistake people.  They will violate your rights.  They will bully you.  They will intimidate through fear campaigns on the news media.  They will marginalize and demonize their enemies.  They will manipulate your opinion.  They will keep the population apathetic.  They have... and they will.  They will have you fear a "domestic threat next".  But it won't work.  Because the citizens of this great country that we live in have a conscience.  Because as stupid as they would like to keep us, we thirst for knowledge.  Common sense will prevail.  Men will stand for justice.  It's in our nature.  America might not look great now.  But our deepest core principals will always be great...  We will remember them, or sacrifice them.  Wake up, be objective, and speak out. 

Speech is still free.  I hope. 


John Quest

1 comment:

  1. Ralph Waldo Emerson: "To be great is to be misunderstood."
