Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Man, The Myth, The Legend; Guitorb

So the world keeps spinning.  Along with the news.  But not all news is bad.  I'm here to  bring you some of the best news that I've heard in a long time.  An unidentified man that goes by the name only of Guitorb has volunteered some of his time and skill to help us in our attempt to provide you with the best entertainment we can offer.  He has offered us new hope and optimism for the state of music by providing a new twist on our old music and new opportunity for new music.
I would like to give you more information on this sole producer.  The problem is... I don't know who he is. Micah doesn't know who he is.  Thankfully with the Internets help we have found each other and are looking forward to even more of his unique style.  

I personally want to thank you mysterious man with the mix.  If you're down with the tactics, I encourage all of our fans to visit Guitorb on the link above.  Now Guitorb isn't no one track wonder type of man.  Every track he does is unique.  Even sending us several mixes to actually choose from.  

Now what we will do is send those mixes to our fans and let them choose their favorite for the official "Epidimix Tape."  You can hear these tracks at or  We would like any input that you might have while we consider which track to choose from.  Citizenship Mix or the Telepathy Mix of our song Wake Up Call will be your first choice.  

It is essential that you share our music with anybody that you know.  Essential!!!  Since we are giving these tracks away for free it should be very easy to do.  Every single time you do this it is an enormous help.  Consider it a gift for your loving virtual friends that you can give to them from us.  Pay it forward if you would.  

Thank you all,

John Quest


Sunday, March 20, 2011

I Am One Man; So Are You

So I'm sitting here in absolute dismay.  I CANT BELIEVE WE ARE IN ANOTHER WAR!!!!  I don't even understand what is wrong with our people.  It's simple... it's easy... it's blatant.

You have certain freedoms.  Those freedoms have been laid out for you by our Constitution.  The Constitution was written to protect YOU the reader from tyranny.  I'm no expert mind you, but I do have one thing called common sense.... Maybe it should be called "uncommon sense" these days.  

Now in that evidently fictitious document there are guidelines on how our government operates with checks and balances.  There are also lists of rights that were given to you by your Creator.  Creator being keyword...  Much different then rights as privileges bestowed amongst you by your government.  See that's what most people think... That the government provides you with God given rights.  Nope... God does. 

What can little old me do about it?  Well here's the truth.  Nothing.  I would say write your congressman... But sadly most take such a Centralized stance on everything... well that's probably not a great option.  With Our presidents refusal to even consider that he needs Congressional Approval for ANY act of WAR.  Well, what goods the Congress to you?

Who do we have to hold accountable for the loss of life in the name of the prevention of the loss of life?  A U.N. Resolution.  That's who.  Who are they to you?  Oh... Nobody.  Answer for accountability questions.... NOBODY.   

Meanwhile, we just fire missles at about 1 million clams a piece at these people.  What do I do?  Watch T.V.  Yep.  That's what I'll do... I'm going to get the BIGGEST MOST GIANTEST TELEVISION IN THE WORLD.  Because that's how I measure success.  On that T.V. some screaming fanatic is going to give me talking points for tomorrows Water Cooler conversation.  Oh yeah!!!  I'm going to keep using the same old played out rhetorical arguments I've always used.  Cause I started watching Rush Limbaugh back when he had a T.V. show on FOX when I was 13.  He's so informed.  After I'm done "researching" my opinion I'm gonna watch 1000 Ways to Die.  Then American Idol.  Then The Bachelor. 

Hell, I ain't even going to teach my kid anything.  That's what the public schools are for right?  Shit... I'll have fuckin Nickelodeon do all the leg work.  I mean Hanna Montana will make sure my kid turns out.  What!? is going on people? 

They're killing our economy with this devastation.  But don't worry... We will all be able to tell our children what successful men and women we were.  I can hear it now.  "I wanna work at Wal-Mart just like my Mother."  How about college debt being owned by the government?  I can't wait to get my financed education with a meaningless degree because I just can't wait to owe the government money.... And not find a job to boot. 

You know... I'm not even worried.  You know why?  Because I believe in people.  I believe that they are smart by nature.  I believe that when I was small and my wonderful mother told me... "Too much T.V. will rot your brain."   She was right.  I believe that's what has happened.  I believe that people are taught and conditioned to trust authority officials.  I believe that WE are all at fault for OUR circumstance.  I believe that WE are responsible for what OUR kids think philosophically and otherwise.  I believe WE want OUR government to take care of us and be responsible for our responsibility.  To be OUR new Gods.  To dictate to YOU what is right and wrong.  To be the MORAL AUTHORITY. 

If you are scared to speak in a FREE society because you might be labeled CRAZY or a TERRORIST.  Or Liberal or Anarchist.  Or FRINGE.  Or RIGHT WINGER.  Statist.  Or whatever the "word" for today is.  Then YOU my friend have been terrorized.  They will be labeling whatever you believe soon enough.  Just the other day my Dear Grandma made mention to somebody else that I was "radical"....  My response was this "It's not her talking.  It's the T.V."  And it's as simple as that.  A great man said "When you resort to calling names you've lost the intellectual debate."

Do you think that there are think tanks for a reason?  Do you think that money hasn't bought and sold everything you thought was real?  Do you think that these MEN that make these decisions aren't just as flawed as the next MAN?   They are men.  As you are.  As I am.  There are certain truths that we hold self evident...   THAT ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL. 

What can you do?  Change your mind.  This is real.  I only say anything because I'm concerned.  If they are immune from your well informed judgement.  Then they are immune to consequence.  Use your voice.  Educate your friends.  Try and figure out why so many we know are in turmoil in one form or another.  I would never advocate violence.  This revolution will be of our mind.  This revolution will be from intelligent debate.  This revolution will be from a peoples voice.  A well informed peoples voice.  A revolution of empathy and understanding.  If you aren't part of the solution... You are part of the problem.  I've spent my living days as a part of that problem.  I want to be a part of the solution.  I am poor and have very little influence but I have a voice. 

What was great yesterday could be frowned upon today.  A Patriot today will be redefined tomorrow.  Make no mistake people.  They will violate your rights.  They will bully you.  They will intimidate through fear campaigns on the news media.  They will marginalize and demonize their enemies.  They will manipulate your opinion.  They will keep the population apathetic.  They have... and they will.  They will have you fear a "domestic threat next".  But it won't work.  Because the citizens of this great country that we live in have a conscience.  Because as stupid as they would like to keep us, we thirst for knowledge.  Common sense will prevail.  Men will stand for justice.  It's in our nature.  America might not look great now.  But our deepest core principals will always be great...  We will remember them, or sacrifice them.  Wake up, be objective, and speak out. 

Speech is still free.  I hope. 


John Quest

Our Divided Individual Existance

What version of yourself are you in love with?  It's our Divided Individual Existence.  Everyone is divided up into so many pieces that the big picture gets lost.  We analyze small fractions of an equation, forgetting that the main emphasis should be on the equation itself, not just the fractions.  It's similar to the principle of seeing what we have in common rather than what we disagree on, except this deals in relation to yourself, and not your relation to others.  We're all constantly pelted with topics that are designed to put your thoughts in concrete without even knowing why.  You start feeling like you have to base your individual opinions on something to what someone else is telling you, not knowing that with every microscopic change of yourself you alter the bigger picture, which is yourself as a whole.  If the millions of individual pieces of you as a person are all prefabricated from another man's mind, then how can you call yourself an individual?  You may agree with the millions of people but you disagree with yourself.  It's as if our thoughts are represented by a human body, and the world's issues are represented by climate.  The information we get then formulates our thoughts into beliefs, these beliefs are represented by clothing.  On any given day we get presented with an issue and are forced to make a decision on it.  The issue may not directly relate to us at this time, but we're forced to form an opinion on it.  So the actual climate where you're standing at is warm, but you got these people in the newspaper and on TV telling you to equip yourself properly for the issue, which again is represented by different climates.  So you put some gloves on your human body to represent being "knowledgeable" on the issue.  Right after that you get told about another issue and are forced to apply it yourself. You put rain boots (beliefs) on your human body (thoughts) to protect from the rain (issue).  Well this goes on endlessly.  You have gloves on to protect form the cold (issue) and boots on to protect from the rain (issue), and still it's warm and dry where you're at.  This continues on and on and until we end up looking like a closet exploded on us.  So instead of just putting on the gloves when it's cold or the boots when it's wet, and then taking them off when they aren't necessary anymore, we wear everything we have to protect against whatever there is, instead of just keeping everything situational.  We do that because we are told to do that.  Subconsciously and flat our as well.  To many tiny puzzle pieces altered to where the big picture is ruined.  Don't let 'em influence your picture.  You can see just fine, you just have to look.  Look outward and look within.  Define Individual Existence, don't let somebody else do it for you. 


Thursday, March 17, 2011

classicills (Lyrics)

Sometimes I don't know why
Why you would take these on
Because I ride real raw
And I will make you die

And I roll and it's gold that it's cold and you know that you can't
Take me- fake me- fade me so maybe you're mad

And that's too- yeah that's too
Bad for you- it's too bad you
Had no chance- no chance to
Come here and

Hang with these killas who be ill as sick plagues
And not givin' a fuck what the fuck you say

But give me a piece of you're mind
I'll give you a piece of my mind the same
And give me a piece of your bullshit time
And I'll just be takin' that time away

I'm runnin' up in you with all of this rhyme
Cummin' up in you it's hummin' my name

I spit this shit and rip- lift the track the raps
Slap and smack a bitch back- it's crac kajak
Calm with bomb built song- somber long when sang
Hang you're head it's gone- all them awful days

Days of daze and numb- come become decayed
Raised- blazed the sun- some will run away
Lay you're pain aside- ride with rhyme that reign
Rang like bang goodbye- I am here to save you

.crac kajak.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Taught to FEAR!!!!

It's so easy to be scared of the world these days.  Nothing much good happens to anybody it seems.  A few trivial things here or there.  I watch from my home.  I watch as society around me seems to break down.  It doesn't even seem real. 

Racism is back in....  Really?  You got to be kidding me.  Gay people are evil....  Really?  You got to be kidding me.  Religious differences fuel wars as sure as you pump your gas to fuel your car.  Abortion is a good topic too... let's talk about that.  Just kidding...  I don't care.  I'm not a woman and I'll never be pregnant.  Unemployment in our country is at dangerous levels.  Inflation is moving in at an alarming rate.  Our money is redistributed to the rich and to the poor...  The poor who wouldn't be poor if they just had the jobs they used to have.  You know... Back when you could actually start a job for a living wage. 
Our civil liberties are being attacked daily.  Our rights to be individual and speak are controlled by fear.  You all know that your high school was a government training facility right?  To teach you how to be a good American.  Oh how important was all that memorization now?  Really.  You know you just send your kids to 7 different foster parents for 8 hours a day.  Then when they get home they have to keep memorizing nonsense for "homework".  You don't even care if someone randomly drug screens your child. 

There's no outrage.  There's not even hardly a person I know that contests this system... Because schools are so great for their kids.  All this information is there.  It's all easy to prove.  The thing is... you don't even have to take my word for it.  Who am I?  Just some kid that wanted to make some rap songs and be left alone.  Just another one of your so called "failures".  Just a high school drop out.  Oh... that's a horrible thing isn't it?  Why?  Because some fat rich man said that it is. 

IT IS INDOCTRINATION.  IT IS WRONG.  But like I said... don't take my word for it.  How about John Gatto from New York?  Seems like a pretty smart guy to me... with his numerous awards and his teaching records.  Check him out.  I don't need to argue with you.  You need to look into the issues. 

This stuff is important and it's like people don't have the time to wrap their heads around it.  Truth is scary people.  I heard somewhere recently that "To understand the truth is to watch hell unfold in front of your eyes."  Do not let fear control you.  Do not act like an animal.  You are real.  You do matter.  Be heard, or be herded.

Who are the people that create our circumstance?  You are.  Because you allow it.  When you begin to understand that not one man is more valuable then you.  You will know that these people that lead us on this path are just men.  They talk in secret, they hide, they keep you separated on surface debate like race, sex, religion.  They start calling names and labeling you this and that.  You yourself start labeling you.  "I'm a Democrat cuz my daddy is."  "He's a Liberal."  "Muslims hate and kill everything."  If You catch yourself talking like that then you should correct it quick.  It's a surface issue by design.  YOU ARE NOT THE T.V.!!!!!!!!  You are you.  YOU ARE NOT YOUR DADDY.  You are you.  Be strong.  Keep your individualism.  Keep your voice. 

Evil is started long before you start using it.  Soon they will call me a terrorist.  They will call your religion a cult.  Soon you will be attacked by talking heads.  Soon... HA!  It's already happening.  Educate your friends and family.  Let them know what has happened to us. 

I will walk and talk fearless of consequence.  Because I AM FREE.  Anybody claiming I'm not will have a debate on there hands. 

Spread your word,

John Quest

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Call It What You Want (Lyrics)

Back to the mothafuckin' business- (raw)
Back from the mothafuckin' sickness- (raw)
Somebody can I can get a witness-(raw)
Still in the shadows in the gallows when they get this (raw)

Raw with the new shit- raw with the old shit
Raw with the hot shit- raw with the cold shit
Put a couple albums out and never really sold shit
But never sold souls so we still show no bullshit (raw)

Right back in it-
Droopy jeezus in this place screamin fuck gimmicks
Fuck 'em all- uh- fuck Epidimic
It's about what's said- not who said it

We bang only real shit from here on out
All these fake mothafuckas better clear on out
Pariah Records in the place- try and hear me out
If ya down with the squad better share my sound

When you see me in the streets holla four nine five
When you hear me on the beats holla more live rhymes
When you see me on the table you can see me on the grind
When you see me on the stage holla one more time

Back to the mothafuckin' business- (raw)
Back from the mothafuckin' sickness- (raw)
Somebody can I can get a witness-(raw)
Still in the shadows in the gallows when they get this (raw)

(Joseph Campbell)

Don't let 'em stifle your vibe- rise from divide
Got their eyes on your life like a knife to your mind
Cut a little off the top- just stand like the same
Let you rebel a bit but only their way

Who is they- they are naysayers of the truth game- just
Minions to send us up in this rut
Real raw when the murder ya- all who who stir it up-
Callin' this hernia- fucked from the inside out

That's what it is right- cuz what is life-
When we're all just lost in mid flight
So now your kids might not even have kids
And if they did they be born in trash bins

MaƱanas gone if we don't make a stand 
And stand even when they try ta put you on your back so
Back we have came- crac-ka-jay-
Droopy Jee- a hard song only God could be sane

So I'm fucked up here and I flip out now
When I see how these snake mothafuckas get down
Wicked realm where I'm runnin'- come in Hell where it's sunny
Summon real mothafuckas 'for we all miss out

Back to the mothafuckin' business- (raw)
Back from the mothafuckin' sickness- (raw)
Somebody can I can get a witness-(raw)
Still in the shadows in the gallows when they get this (raw)

Raw with this hype shit- fresh spittin' tight shit
And if you don't like this- (forgive me if I don't shake hands)
Raw with the funk son so all y'all can function
But y'all is some punks if you can't even stand

Raw be this flow shit- y'all need to know this
If y'all livin' hopeless- (forgive me if I don't shake hands)
Raw be that John Quest- y'all be that conscience
And 'till death I do what I can


Friday, March 4, 2011

Tomorrows A New Day

I haven't slept much lately.  Micah was up for a week and we recorded new stuff all week long.  It was the shit too.  I haven't really had that much fun in awhile.  Kind of sucks that I didn't play a lick of poker.  In a way that was nice too.  Hell, I still haven't played.  I'm still amped on the Epidimic rush.  Lance just left here not long ago.  We got 2 of his brand new songs started.  Which are the shit by the way.  I started to mix one of our new tracks too.  It should be finished by tomorrow evening I hope.  I probably shouldn't write while I am tired... I just read through some of the knowledge I dropped on here and you can tell I didn't like English Class.  Oh well.. you get the point.  Tomorrows a new day.  Fight the good fight.

John Quest

P.S.  Lance Stanley... sneak preview at the Brew-ha Coffee place in C.C.  on Open Mic Night...  AKA Monday... at 8.  See ya there.