Friday, February 11, 2011

Screaming at Deaf Ears

I want you to know exactly what I stand for.  It's hard to get anybody to listen to you ever because if you disagree with them on ANYTHING, and I mean ANYTHING, then they automatically assume that you are attacking them.  This is not the case with me I don't believe.  I have nothing personal when I try to explain my views.  It's just a different perspective from a different approach at things.  I call it reading.  Some may call that research.  I understand and have accepted long ago that things that my parents were taught were probably wrong.  Probably fundamentally wrong.  In fact, to this day, I still know not one perfect person.  Including myself.  I mean GET REAL people.  We need to see the fundamental hypocrisy of our ways here. 

Like a great many of us here I went to church on a semi-regular basis when I was young.  I've been saved numerous times and baptized more than once.  I loved Jesus and what he was.  Let me say this loud and proud I love Jesus for what he is.  The man that stood up to them all.  The man that said to his fellow men... There is error in our ways.  Of course I am just paraphrasing and stressing MY understanding of Jesus.  Which may vary widely from you.  I know.  That's because we are different.

What I am saying is that Jesus in my eyes not only stood but stands for Love, Forgiveness, Hope, Happiness and lot's of other positive things.  I think this is very reflective in his story.  Now again... I'm no theologian so don't go quoting my words... I completely depend on you to do your own research.  I WANT you to prove me wrong researching yourself.  These are my opinions and I encourage you to have your own.

 I personally think that people have concerned themselves so much with the way Jesus died that they have forgotten how he lived.  They have forgotten that THEY were created in the image of god himself.  Regain your focus my friends.  Please.  Allow LOVE to prosper.  Do not get caught up in cliche arguments and little political scuffles.  There are root issues.  There is something wrong.  FUNDAMENTALLY wrong with our ideas.  Jesus is Love.  The Devil is HATE.  When you hate another man... You partake in the Devils work.  No matter who the man you hate is.  Or your reasons for hating him. 

Forgive them father.  They know not what they do.... I heard that once.


John Quest

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