Your money is gone. Your house is gone. Your ability to live free and prosperous is now gone. Your life.... is gone. The way our parents lived... their traditions... their values..... Look where they got us. Would you say that your life 10 years ago was better than now? Would you say that life was easier 20 years ago if not 10? Well when was it better than it is right now? Maybe, "when wasn't it?" would be a better question.
I'm about to lay out my opinion on what's really up in this piece and you can agree or disagree... I don't care anymore. I used to just keep my opinion to myself until I just now realized that I better talk while it's still allowed. I had better grow up before it's too late.
Now... to understand my thoughts on all this you need to know some crucial information about me. I am a high school drop out. I am a teenage parent. I am a poker player by trade... while I'm still allowed to. I did quit watching T.V. after Obama got elected. I did vote for that guy. I did not understand voting when I voted. I still do not fully understand a lot of things about the world. I've admitted that. I do like to learn. I did teach myself poker. I did work in factories for years. I was in the U.A.W. My job was shipped out. I did grow up poor. My mom didn't take food stamps. There are even more variables to my opinions than this. That is the point. All of these life experiences and many, many, many, more form ones opinion of the world at large.
I think we can all agree that their is something wrong with what's going on around us these days. On some level you have to agree. Because everyone of you are now being affected or know somebody that is. It is your friends and family struggling to find jobs. It is your old who are only living off of Social Security and can't hardly afford their medications. It is your young who are off fighting in wars the world over. It is your criminals that are in prison for victimless crimes. It is your school loans. It is your crazy debt. It is your outrageous taxes. It is your sense of entitlement. It seems to be our lack of value and respect for ourselves.
What do you value really? Do you value your rights as Human Beings? Do you value your rights to YOUR money and the right to do what you want to do with it? Do you value your freedom? Because it sure doesn't seem like it. A lot of us younger men and women don't even seem to vote. Talk about not valuing your freedom. To be honest, it seems to me that the only thing that people my age value anymore is worthless trash. Really. They love their T.V.s. They love their favorite teams. They love their favorite "jock" radio personality telling anybody that thinks for themselves that they are kooks or nutty.
Men love the stupidest shit these days. I always say it's just a bunch of retards kicking each other in the nuts on t.v. anymore. The news has just turned into entertainment television... Like Entertainment Tonight being passed off for real information. The shows that the little girls are taught to idolize turns them into Gold digging puppet versions of women that think they have independence and self respect but don't... at all. Reality Television is the best. Where stupid little people actually think that T.V. is reality. They do too. Listen to them. Listen to their opinions on things and you tell me that they aren't just re-hashing some crusted version of the truth from Rush Limbaugh or even Jon Stewart.
Mean while we have learned over the years what success looks like. It is well ingrained into our brain. It looks like a white picket fence. A happy marriage. A football star. A college education. A brand new car. A brand new house. A flat screen T.V. A iPhone, A Paris Hilton... is that behind the times? It's been a while... like I said. But you catch my drift.
It is not that these things aren't examples of success. They however do not define success. And that seems to be the question to me? Do you people actually think that what we have done collectively to our jobs and markets is a success? To the American way of life? Really? Really really? Well if it's not a success then is it a failure? Have you seen the difference in government job growth and the peoples job growth? No... probably not huh? They don't put charts of that up for the intelligent television viewers to look at.. do they? Nope... they just change the definition of success and spin it around until you couldn't understand it if you wanted.

Uh... Uh... I don't watch the news... some people say. Well then... what do you watch? Retards kicking each other in the nuts or "I'm a Pregnant Teen" on True Life on MTV. Or 24. Or do you just play Call of Duty? Or maybe you are a really smart cookie that watches Ice Road Truckers on Discovery Channel. Or "The End of The World Is 2012" on History Channel. Do you even see how ludicrous it all really is?
So what's your version of success? What's your version of value? Who is your hero? Who is your idea of integrity? Who are you to you? Do you know? I'm still working on it... But I am starting to feel better... so that's good. I don't even know if I'm still on topic. Chalk it up to a rant.
John Quest