It's been a minute since I've had a minute. It's been a minute since my mind could slow down and actually think. I'm just about sick of the shit that goes on around me everyday. I'm just about sick of peoples opinions on things being so predictable. I'm about sick of the hoops put in place for you and I to jump through on a daily. I'm just about sick of our rights being infringed on. I'm about sick of the fear that is constantly pumped through us on a daily.
Bin Laden. Laughable. What in the Uncle Sam hell does he have to do with anything around this country really? Other than causing severe panic and instability which is what he wanted in the first place. Fucking 10 years later and they are still using this piece of shit as diversion. I've got news for ya. Our problems here start and stop in Washington D.C. with our Federal Government and the Banking Cartels that fund it.
I have given up on politics before. I never believed you could do anything about it. I still don't really believe that you can. Every person that stands up to try and do something is eventually demonized and destroyed. Or just flat out killed. I do know this though. You can change. You can.
You might not be able to do anything about the Dept. of Education setting our curriculum for the last 40 years. You might not be able to convince some college kid that even their school is probably a Federal set curriculum and they are not nearly as smart as they thought. You won't be able to talk your video game addicts into understanding that most war type games are propaganda tools. You won't be able to convince a television enthusiast that Jon Stewart is just as bad as Rush Limbaugh. Or that Michael Moore is as much of a tool as Ann Coulter. Or that Alex Jones plays the exact roll of Glen Beck. Republicans are the same as Democrats.
Do you see the theme here? They are all the same. Surprise. One side appeases you. The other appeases people like you with slightly different social views. IT IS NOT REAL!!!! If it's on T.V. at all... It isn't real. They wouldn't show you a damn thing that's actually true. Because TRUTH would invoke change. People know it when they hear it. They hate it, but they know it. Once the fires of knowledge start burning they are hard to stop. So long as you stick with surface issues that divide and conquer our ideas we will have a hard time moving forward.
Race, Religion, Sexual Preference, even Abortion... All minor in comparison to the real problems we as a people face. Where's the common ground? What about the fact that we are all being robbed through tax legislation? What about the huge increase in food prices? What about 5 perpetual wars that our friends and family have to fight and fund? Where's the job growth? What about being a service country instead of one that produces? What about the Baby Boomers all retiring and people like me will never see our Social Security? What about the awesome purchasing power of your dollar going down down down?
Does anybody care about anything substantial? Probably not. Now... get your ass back to work wage slave. The middle class is now the working poor and getting more poor everyday. Most don't even realize the imminence of the crisis. Or they do and they are afraid to say anything about it. But... I'm probably just a kook. "You're going to get used to wearing them chains after awhile Luke. Don't you never stop listening to them clinking."
I think I'm going to go to Florida and rap with Micah for awhile.
I still hold on to hope.
John Quest
P.S. Drawn Out For You!!! For the visually active.
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