Thanks to all the thugs who showed love- I appreciate it, thanks to all my Florida 495 riders who came out, thanks to Sektion 8's first lady and Haha himself for comin' out, thanks to Kenny Kong for hookin' it up- much love, thanks to Pastor Troy for keepin' it real- that was fresh, thanks to all the other artists who showed me love, and thanks to myself for droppin flowetical knowledge always, thanks to everybody that I know personally that showed up, and thanks to those that I just met even though you came to see me rep this rap shit- I hope all y'all feel the need to come back. Big thanks to Lucy Lu and 3D- Lucy and Chauncey- for helpin' me keep it lovely! Thanks to this guy on the right for also keepin' it lovely, sorry I don't remember your name- I'm pretty sure that's your fault. I've ran out of thanks now though, sorry soundman... Good Night.
crac kajak
These are some thoughts that make up who we are, or maybe who we aren't...
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Kings Full of Jaks
I am appalled. I speak now from a state of somewhat shock. I feel gross. I have the perspective of a high school drop out. Really. I'm not proud of that at all. It has over the years filled me with great shame. Which I see that is the point now. Guilt your fellow man. Guilt him and shame him if he is different. It works. It really does.
So we all can now wear masks. Masks put on me by you and you by me. Do you feel free from the judgement of your neighbor? Are you free of all judgement except that of God like the collective claim? Or do you keep quiet? Constantly wearing the mask I put upon you. Fearing a mans judgement is worthless. Fearing a gods judgement? Is that worthless? How about your own judgement? The judgement of your own self. Is that worthless? I guess I only wonder where we hold our own value? High or Low. What are the standards coming to in this crazy mess of a world?
The more that I open my eyes to become aware of my surroundings the more I'm filled with surprise. Surprise at the sheer manipulation of my way of life. Surprise at the status quo's acceptance of lack luster mediocrity at all facets of human life. I mean look at your media friends. Look what they are serving you these days. You've accepted a false notion that these people that dictate your talking points are worthy of your trust in all things. I don't think that it's a left or right argument anymore.
Our media has been bought out. The television programming that you see is not genuine nor authentic. It is a literal propaganda giant. It is very close to insulting my High School drop out intelligence. This is why I don't watch T.V. I do admit.. I do entertain myself with music and the Internet. I just refuse to sit and watch a salesman in the middle of my room sale me cars, candy, cell phones, and worst of all... IDEAS. They will not sale me ideas. Why would I allow that? We have the Internet now so I'd much rather get my news and knowledge from where I consider a trusted source.
So again with the guilt. I feel it coming from you. Coming from your judgement of me. Today there was a very bold move by our officials to ban online-poker. Essentially taking away my right to play a game of voluntary skill. A game that every man is spending his own hard earned money to play. See the money that man spends to play a recreational voluntary card game is HIS money. Now we are essentially claiming that a citizen with rights, doesn't have the right to spend his own money on what he would like to spend it on?
Makes complete sense to me.... until I start thinking about the $50 lottery tickets these same people advertise. Lottery is really a gamble. Really, the odds are on the house. Where as with poker everybody is playing other players who are paying a rake to a business to facilitate the game... A game of skill... Voluntarily.
So what's next for me? Well, I suppose it'll be the temporary slave temp service.... where I can work for 3 months and get laid off just before benefits come in. But wait, I'm a high school drop out. No degree. Oh yeah... There's the guilt again. Maybe I'll go back and just get my diploma. Then head to college for my higher education. You only have to go in debt 80 or 90 thousand to get a decent starting wage. Well.. I could play poker... whooops.. Sorry John. That's illegal too now. There's the guilt again.
Paint me into the criminal you want. But you don't have to, your leaders will do that for you. Your Gods. Your little celebs. Your little corporate whore slaves. John Stewart and Stephen Colbert will appease you on the left. Rush and O'Reilly on the right. You'll play the roles that they cast you in. You are the show now. You are the circus. Oprah will tell whoever watches her what to think. Then you'll listen to your little whore rap music. The new propaganda with a beat style shit. Maybe play some video games. Garbage. It's accepted everyday. Unbelievable. I mean really... you think it's good for your kids to even see half the shit they got out there now. Tell me Justin Bieber isn't real. Tell me that our standards haven't dropped that low.
If it's a piece of shit... Then call it a piece of shit. Come back to reality. Don't let people insult your intelligence with rediculousness anymore. You are just people man. Common Sense has been replaced by NON Sense. For real. We are human beings. With a conscience. With a brain. We can solve problems. We can figure out what's real and what's not just by looking a bit beneath the surface of any matter.
I sat in my home and taught myself how to play a card game. No coach. Just books and videos. I've been chewed up by public schools. I've been chewed up by Unions, chewed up by factory work, as a last result I went to online poker to try and grind out just a meager living of my own. Now it seems that I've been chewed up by the work of Tyrants once again.
At least I always have music.
John Quest
So we all can now wear masks. Masks put on me by you and you by me. Do you feel free from the judgement of your neighbor? Are you free of all judgement except that of God like the collective claim? Or do you keep quiet? Constantly wearing the mask I put upon you. Fearing a mans judgement is worthless. Fearing a gods judgement? Is that worthless? How about your own judgement? The judgement of your own self. Is that worthless? I guess I only wonder where we hold our own value? High or Low. What are the standards coming to in this crazy mess of a world?
The more that I open my eyes to become aware of my surroundings the more I'm filled with surprise. Surprise at the sheer manipulation of my way of life. Surprise at the status quo's acceptance of lack luster mediocrity at all facets of human life. I mean look at your media friends. Look what they are serving you these days. You've accepted a false notion that these people that dictate your talking points are worthy of your trust in all things. I don't think that it's a left or right argument anymore.
Our media has been bought out. The television programming that you see is not genuine nor authentic. It is a literal propaganda giant. It is very close to insulting my High School drop out intelligence. This is why I don't watch T.V. I do admit.. I do entertain myself with music and the Internet. I just refuse to sit and watch a salesman in the middle of my room sale me cars, candy, cell phones, and worst of all... IDEAS. They will not sale me ideas. Why would I allow that? We have the Internet now so I'd much rather get my news and knowledge from where I consider a trusted source.
So again with the guilt. I feel it coming from you. Coming from your judgement of me. Today there was a very bold move by our officials to ban online-poker. Essentially taking away my right to play a game of voluntary skill. A game that every man is spending his own hard earned money to play. See the money that man spends to play a recreational voluntary card game is HIS money. Now we are essentially claiming that a citizen with rights, doesn't have the right to spend his own money on what he would like to spend it on?
Makes complete sense to me.... until I start thinking about the $50 lottery tickets these same people advertise. Lottery is really a gamble. Really, the odds are on the house. Where as with poker everybody is playing other players who are paying a rake to a business to facilitate the game... A game of skill... Voluntarily.
So what's next for me? Well, I suppose it'll be the temporary slave temp service.... where I can work for 3 months and get laid off just before benefits come in. But wait, I'm a high school drop out. No degree. Oh yeah... There's the guilt again. Maybe I'll go back and just get my diploma. Then head to college for my higher education. You only have to go in debt 80 or 90 thousand to get a decent starting wage. Well.. I could play poker... whooops.. Sorry John. That's illegal too now. There's the guilt again.
Paint me into the criminal you want. But you don't have to, your leaders will do that for you. Your Gods. Your little celebs. Your little corporate whore slaves. John Stewart and Stephen Colbert will appease you on the left. Rush and O'Reilly on the right. You'll play the roles that they cast you in. You are the show now. You are the circus. Oprah will tell whoever watches her what to think. Then you'll listen to your little whore rap music. The new propaganda with a beat style shit. Maybe play some video games. Garbage. It's accepted everyday. Unbelievable. I mean really... you think it's good for your kids to even see half the shit they got out there now. Tell me Justin Bieber isn't real. Tell me that our standards haven't dropped that low.
If it's a piece of shit... Then call it a piece of shit. Come back to reality. Don't let people insult your intelligence with rediculousness anymore. You are just people man. Common Sense has been replaced by NON Sense. For real. We are human beings. With a conscience. With a brain. We can solve problems. We can figure out what's real and what's not just by looking a bit beneath the surface of any matter.
I sat in my home and taught myself how to play a card game. No coach. Just books and videos. I've been chewed up by public schools. I've been chewed up by Unions, chewed up by factory work, as a last result I went to online poker to try and grind out just a meager living of my own. Now it seems that I've been chewed up by the work of Tyrants once again.
At least I always have music.
John Quest
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Full of Tilt
I watch like a hawk. I watch my opponents every move. I wait for weakness. I wait for the chance to exploit them. To exploit their lack of knowledge. I lull them to sleep with passivity. I wait til it's time to play big pots. Then I lean. I lean on them. Leverage them with every single oppurtunity. I don't gamble... I consider gambling a fools proposition. I'm not willing to risk it all on nothing. No, I don't gamble... I watch and I prepare. I educate myself to stay ahead of the learning curve. I have no coach... I make it up as I go along. Learning from smarter and wiser players then myself. Taking their arguments into consideration and seeing where it fits into my game. If I understand a new concept enough then I apply it. Forever learning and expanding on an already solid fundamental game.
I don't ignore the fundamentals though. We sometimes forget to go back over them. We lose our patience. Go on tilt. Play with emotion rather than with solid logic. You're done when that happens. DONE! The minute logic and common sense go out the window and you are all emotion... You are done.
Tilt is a funny thing too. It works both ways. It's like manic depressive. You can be running like a god causing you to play with only a positive emotion. That's a good tilt. It's like you can do no wrong... In the zone. Then you get lazy and sloppy. Gamble on a few draws where the odds aren't so great. You may hit.. You are running like a god right? But you went against logic and called out of emotion. That is still tilt. I'm too good type of tilt.
Grandma taught me a few things in my time. 1. Nobody's too big for an ass whippin. Poker is the same way. You better be on it. If you aren't somebody will be. Watch and take notes. Take a look around the table. See who's playing this game. Sharks are circling. They will eat you alive. Unless you can identify them quickly and adjust to their game.
Adjust your game my friends. The sharks are circling. They want your monies. If they play the game with wisdom... They will get it. All of it. Be aware, be wise, and adjust your game.
Done for now,
John Quest
I don't ignore the fundamentals though. We sometimes forget to go back over them. We lose our patience. Go on tilt. Play with emotion rather than with solid logic. You're done when that happens. DONE! The minute logic and common sense go out the window and you are all emotion... You are done.
Tilt is a funny thing too. It works both ways. It's like manic depressive. You can be running like a god causing you to play with only a positive emotion. That's a good tilt. It's like you can do no wrong... In the zone. Then you get lazy and sloppy. Gamble on a few draws where the odds aren't so great. You may hit.. You are running like a god right? But you went against logic and called out of emotion. That is still tilt. I'm too good type of tilt.
Grandma taught me a few things in my time. 1. Nobody's too big for an ass whippin. Poker is the same way. You better be on it. If you aren't somebody will be. Watch and take notes. Take a look around the table. See who's playing this game. Sharks are circling. They will eat you alive. Unless you can identify them quickly and adjust to their game.
Adjust your game my friends. The sharks are circling. They want your monies. If they play the game with wisdom... They will get it. All of it. Be aware, be wise, and adjust your game.
Done for now,
John Quest
Monday, April 4, 2011
The Brave Enslaved (Lyrics)
It’s never fine when the good times pass by
Can’t rewind so it looks like that’s why
Maybe feel stuck- cuz you still try
But got your heels up- cuz you still lie
On your back here stranded like bugs when
The heavy outer shell that they use for protection
Is what then holds ‘em and halts any quests then
After a while you’ll see the distress end
But what good’s change when it comes with death
Don’t take a genius to know it’s useless
If you think that it ain’t then ya need ta do this
Just open up your eyes and see what you get
And that’s that same shit I screamed since always
But sometimes it feels like it’s always
Just the same shit- same shit called change
And people eat it up like it ain’t no thang
Land of the free- Home of the brave enslaved
We need to wake up cuz we’re runnin’ outta time
Land of the free- Home of the brave enslaved
We need to wake up ‘fore we flat line
Ya better open up your mind- see with third eyes
Take a look around what you see you despise
Think with your heart- speech is a start
Think how long that we’ve been apart
When they take away our choice we must speak with our art
You won’t take away my voice I speak from the heart
It seems the whole planet will soon fall apart
But that’s okay though- we need a fresh start
And what tomorrow brings a man can never tell
Wanna know what today brought play My Hell
Ignore it all- pretend it’s not real
Will you move or just stand still
Time to get up- you need to raise your head up
I’m fed up- I feel the pressure- they won’t let up
Get involved don’t wait for the setup
A hundred year war and they pledge us
Land of the free- Home of the brave enslaved
We need to wake up cuz we’re runnin’ outta time
Land of the free- Home of the brave enslaved
We need to wake up ‘fore we flat line
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