Wednesday, May 11, 2011

You Can't Change The World; Only Your Mind

I'm sitting alone in my bedroom as I have for many years.  Never really alone though.  Never really.  I have friends every where I look.  Real friends.  That count on me and depend on me to make good decisions.  Friends that would take the shirts off there backs if need be.  Really. 

I've passionately fought against relying on men for work my whole life.  Trying my hardest to stay self-reliant no matter what.  I've worked my factory jobs.  3 years at CF Gomma under a phony whipped and broken version of a Union.  I'm sure a lot of the Union workers know what I'm talking about.  Right before they shipped our jobs to Poland and Florida.  Jeez... Don't get me started on all that realness!!!  My nerves are Fucking Shot Ya'll!!!  For real. 

There's a reason for that.  A real life reason.  See after realizing that there's absolutely no reasonable working wage out there for somebody like me.  A High School "Drop-Out" or however you'd put it.  I decided to play poker.  Poker on the Internet even.  Like literally thousands of Americans.  My simple reasoning went like this.... Hmmm.  I like games.  I have to make money.  There's no opportunity....  Poker is fun!!!!  

So.  I played... I payed taxes.  I made very little money.  But I won.  And I grinded along.  Now make no mistake, poker is a SKILLBASED game.  If I have to call my star witness...  Code name:  00Sanchez to verify this.  He will do that.  Them's is jokes of course.  But all joking aside... I'm positive about it.  I got probably like 30000 games that would prove it.  Do the math my friends.  You don't just get lucky all the time in the long run.  Phuy!

Anyways.  Let's just say this whole poker thing.  It really affects some of us.  It's a Game.  Of Skill.  Where people voluntarily play each other for their own money.  Compare that to a game of luck where people scrape some sort of gray shit off a piece of cardboard to match lemons or some shit... for like 10 bones a pop.   "I mean the nerve."

I was proud of it.  I still am.  Politically... I'm for *** ****.  I believe that I should be protected from the infringement of the powers that be on my personal choice.  On the way of life that I choose to pursue.  Every other "free society" in the world can log on to their computers and play a game of cards.  And here we are.  The freeeeessstt and I can't play poker. 

Hell... I don't even feel like I can express an opinion anymore.  People don't want to reason.  People don't want to care.  It's boring out there.  Just a Call of Duty here.  An Unemployment there.  Workin hard or hardly workin?  Things are rough for me.  But worse,  things are rough for everybody.  Everything is.... Business as usual I guess.  I wonder if I'm really the only one that thinks this? 

I don't watch T.V. much at all.  Like really.... next to nil.  But when I do see it these days... It's like... What THE FUNK!!!  It is literally a side show of paid actors and talking heads people. You have got to realize that there is real life out there.  Things won't change until we change.  Til we are allowed to prosper once again.  Til we are allowed the freedom to pursue our happiness.  To the 4 people reading this.  And whoever else.  Just change your minds.  That's all.  What do you want to leave for our future?  I suppose we'll leave some songs.  We still dream.  I still hope for the restoration of ideas. 

Never been more real for me,

John Quest


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